Saturday, May 17, 2014

Dining Room Sets with Colors Ideas

Dining Room Sets with Colors Ideas - Comfortable or not an interior room depending on how the design created by an interior architect or the owner himself. Surely in decorating an interior to be adapted to the function of the room. For instance, the interior of the living room to receive guests in contrast to the interior of the bedroom for a private thing. So also for the interior dining room, as well as a dining area, this location is also often used as a gathering place for the whole family or guests who will come to eat.

Well on our post will discuss about how to create a cozy dining room with a selection of colors suitable in accordance with the interior space of your home. The dining room should be given an appropriate design, and convenient, because if you are not comfortable or carelessly, we could be lazy to eat or no appetite when design. The comfortable dining room can you create by selecting suitable color according to your taste, or whatever impression you want to make from the dining room. Well, here are some of the colors and effects that appear when you apply to decorate the dining room with the colors: 

Warm colors such as red, orange and yellow right when you apply to the formal dining room. From the psychological side, these colors help trigger your appetite so that appropriate for a place whose sole purpose is to entertain the guests. 

In order for your guests linger at the dining table, choose warm colors such as gold or a darker amber, ripe orange, terracotta, purple grape, burgundy, red and gray. These colors are capable of triggering appetite, thus making the guests feel at home while sitting chatting.

Be careful when using a light version of the warm colors, especially the bright yellow and bright orange, as these colors will make people tend to eat faster. Not surprisingly, the colors are often used in fast food restaurants. Ideally, you use bright warm colors only as accents in the dining room and not applied to the wall. 

Blue is the favorite color of many people in decorating the room, but you should avoid this color for the dining room. This is because the color blue tends to suppress your appetite so that eating atmosphere becomes less exciting. Dining room sets

Well that was tips from us about the colors that you may apply to the dining room, and below are pictures of the dining room colorful:

Blue dining room design
Blue dining room design

Orange dining room sets decor with wallpaper painting

Orange dining room sets
Orange dining room sets

Purple dining room sets
Purple dining room sets

Retro Red Dining Room Sets
Retro Red Dining Room Sets

Red dining room design
Red dining room design

Yellow dining room sets
Yellow dining room sets

Yellow dining room design
Yellow dining room design

Writted by : Unknown // 12:48 AM


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